Thursday 26 April 2012

Reading Daily To Your Children

Books that have different genres allows a child to use their imagination as well as come to their own conclusions about the book. Exposing children to poetry, fiction, and nonfiction books will broaden their knowledge, imagination and allow them to pretend that they are one of the characters in the books.
Books such as Mother Goose, Cat in the Hat, I Am Rosa Parks, Cookie Count and The Very Hungry Caterpillar are all good examples of different genres and formats that are appropriate for preschoolers. As you observe and start to build a relationship with the children, You will know what type of topics that they are interested in and then You would be able to integrate that knowledge when assessing texts and illustrations that may interest them.
There are a variety of resources that are available to assist with evaluating books that have literacy merit. Book Reviews describe, analyze and evaluate the quality, importance and meaning of a books written for a particular age group of children. Knowing the purpose of a book before reading it to the children will allow the parent/teacher to be aware of what she is teaching them. It is important to preview the books before presenting it to the children.
Books offer opportunities for children to engage in oral, written, and visual language. Language growth consists of long term goals such as, learning how to read, understanding and using the mature syntax of their language, expanding their vocabulary, and becoming skilled listeners. Children should be exposed to books on a daily basis, they will learn new sentence patterns and new words. Asking children questions during story-time allow a child to respond with their thoughts or receive a better understanding of the story by listening to others ask questions and have them explained. It is good idea to pause midway to see if anyone might have something to share, they may forget their thoughts by the end of the story.
Preschoolers enjoy learning through play. As they play they are recognizing, naming, building, drawing, comparing and sorting. Intellectual growth consists of the same thinking skills. Reading books such as, "So many Circles, So Many Squares" teach children to classify objects. Books that allow the children to come up with their own solution to a certain dilemma will engage them in problem solving. In order to get children to think critically and respond with divergent response you must be prepared with questions that will allow them to think beyond their literal level.

Restoring Harmony to a Household

This exercise works well with children and is very effective for times when a child becomes overwhelmed by emotion and has a tantrum or cannot think straight after having a bad dream.
Tell the child to imagine placing the problem or bad dream onto the palm of one of your hands and to watch your hand. Be quick and assertive to interrupt their pattern of thinking.
Move your hand above your head and sweep it slowly from left to right and back again. Keep sweeping your hand slowly back and forth for around 15 seconds or so.
Slowly sweep the hand from the top right diagonally across to the bottom left, back and forth again for a while.
Move your hand slowly from bottom left to bottom right back and forth for a while
Repeat the movement from bottom right diagonally to top left, again going back and forth slowly again for up to around 15 seconds.
Now rapidly crumple your hand and quickly throw the problem or bad dream over your shoulder.
How does it work?
We all store a lot of information, memories, thoughts, and feelings in our unconscious brain. When something is on "the tip of our tongue" it's in our unconscious memory but we haven't quite managed to bring the information to the surface yet.
Our brain is like a filing cabinet storing all of the information away that we might need later. What most people don't know though is that different types of memory relating to different senses are stored in different parts of the brain. What is even more useful to know is that we can help our brain to access the right parts of the filing cabinet by moving our eyes to a certain place. For example if you look up and to your left it will help you to remember something you have seen. If you look down to your right it will help you to remember how you felt about something.
When a child has a bad dream or a tantrum they become emotionally "stuck" or confused and unable to "think straight" Encouraging them to move their eyes back and forth to access different parts of the brain helps it to "unwire" itself by concentrating on one area of the filing cabinet at a time. This in turn helps the emotions to become "unstuck" and move on so the child calms down.

Four Tips on How to Teach Your Children to Manage Toys

Firstly, encourage your children to exchange toys with their friends
Children would be tired of the kids toys which they had played for a long time even the toys are the best ones. What's more, they would not cherish the toys bought for them by parents.
How to solve this problem? You can encourage your children to exchange toys with their friends and during the change process, parents should not give too much suggestion and even interference in children decision.
Secondly, guide the good habits to play with toys by parents patience
In many family, parents always command, urged, rebuke, punish and even threat their kids if children don't want to play with one toy or don't want to put their toys away. In fact, it is a wrong family education way. If you are smart parents, you should smile and tell your kids that these toys also need to sleep and let's together put them away. With your friendly manner and patience, children get the pleasure and learn how to tidy toys.
Thirdly, display kids toys with specific rules
Kids always put their favorite toys at the place where they are easy to get, it is a good behaviour because children would become more independent if they can get the things they want. In addition, as parents, you should know that you should display kids toys with specific rules. For example, put the heavy things at the bottom so that children would not get injury when they want to get. At the same time, put the things such as paints, crayons, clay, colored pencils, all of which are easy to soil house, at the upper location. Parents should also teach kids to paste the text or image label on the container so that they can easily identify the toys in the box and container. Gradually, children know how to classify, organize things and cultivate the good habit of put the things at the original location after use.
Fourthly, respect children opinion
When tiding toys, parents should fully respect the children opinion and should not force and even threat. When you want to discard one kid toy, you should tell children the reason why you want to discard and strive to gain his consent. As for some out of date kids toys which you want to discard but your kids still cherish and strongly reluctant to discard, it doesn't matter you keep them for kids and ask them to play a few days later.